
TANF & JOBS Resource List

Updated February 28, 2020

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Policy Questions? Email in Outlook. Please include the topic in the subject line.

Please see guidance below:

  • Response time is between 24-48hrs. If your question is urgent, please put this in the subject line and mark “High Importance” in the banner of your email
  • For case specific questions/scenarios, include case numbers, individual names and relationships. Avoid using he/him she/her in reference to circumstances and relations as sorting these specific elements takes more time.
  • Exclusively use the policy box that corresponds to the programs you have questions about. If you are asking questions about TANF and TADVS program eligibility, send to both policy boxes.
  • Please use the TANF policy box for all questions for program tracking and the quickest response time.

TANF Analysts:

Amy Sevdy

Patrick Ring

Kristina Hooper

Jason Shaw

Shanon Sporseen

Amanda Rudd

Misty Schoene (REF/TANF)

Annette Palmer


JOBS Policy Analysts:


Ashley Thai

Sherrie Burrell


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