VI. View Direct reports


A. Overview

View Direct is a mainframe system designed to gather information, store reports, and be available to all staff to view and print.

The local office is expected to locate and print their own reports as needed.

Most View Direct reports are available and updated monthly.

B. Entering the View Direct system

1.   Logging into the system

To access View Direct follow these steps:

  1. Log into the Mainframe;
  2. Clear the screen
  3. Type RD2;
  4. <enter> for the menu screen;
  5. In the Recipient ID field type HS (Branch Number). For example: HS1517;
  6. In the Password field retype the branch number.

From this screen, staff may now access reports and versions of reports in the View Direct system.

2.   Locating a report

There are three options to view a report from the Viewing Menu:

  1. Press <enter> to scroll through all reports if the report name is unknown;
  2. Enter the first three letters of the report, followed by a *. An asterisk allows a wild card search and choice from all reports of a specific type; or
  3. Type the name of the report in the Report/Topic/Queue ID field and<enter>;

§  The Version field format is YYMMDD; this field can be left blank;

§  Verify the Display list of reports/topics field says Yes.

C. Navigation

Function keys and screen names do not appear on the bottom of View Direct screens. However, most of the function keys work the same way as in other areas of the Mainframe.


D. Printing

There are several ways to print pages from View Direct. Before you start the print process, write down the printer’s four (4) character ID. The most common printing preferences are:

Marking specific pages to print

See full printing instruction on the APD Field Services webpage.

Printing a report for an entire office

Note: The number of pages entered must be greater than the actual number of pages in the report.

Reports not sectioned by worker.

Some reports are state-wide and have no sections, while others are sectioned by office, but not worker ID.

If the report is sectioned by the worker, open the report to get the first and last worker ID for the local office on the report.

Enter the first worker’s ID after the branch number on the From line and enter the last worker’s ID after the branch number on the To line. For example:

FROM==> PAGE:    000001         OF SECTION: 2417AB

TO==> PAGE:        @LAST                    OF SECTION: 2417E2

To determine the exact number of pages in a report to enter for printing

o   Total the pages and note the number;

o    Do not select a Worker ID;

o   Press F2 to open the Printing Menu:

o   Type in the 4-character printer ID;

o   Enter the number of pages in the Page Output Limit field;

o   Press <enter> twice and collect the report.

Printing a report for a specific worker ID

The procedure is exactly the same as for a whole office, except you put the worker ID after the branch number in the Section field.

Marking a block

E. Reports

View Direct reports are generally available every month. Below is a list of reports available and related to Aging and People with Disabilities (APD) and Area Agency on Aging (AAA) work. This list is not complete; for a complete list see View Direct.

1.   Report ID

If performing a wild card search, use the first three letters recommend including a blurb on report ID and a brief explanation of the first three letters of the report ID for the most frequently used reports (helpful if performing wildcard search):

2. View Direct report list






Potentially ineligible consumers no waivered services received.

Identifies consumers who may not be eligible for services due to not having services provided and money refunded.

Second Friday of the month.


Active consumers reaching age 65

Identifies those consumers turning 65 in the month.

Between the 1st and 3rd of each month.


CM consumers w/SE need resource code

Identifies consumer with shelter exception needs resource codes on case.

Between the 1st and 3rd of each month.


SMB and SMF case over the income limit

Identifies SMB and SMF cases where the consumer’s adjusted income is over the income standard.

Between the 1st and 3rd of each month.


SNAP cases due for recertification

Identifies SNAP cases expiring at the end of the next month.

Between the 1st and 3rd of each month.


SNAP expirations with no recertification dates

Lists SNAP cases coded NRD with SSI.

Between the 1st and 10th of each month.


Medical review/ delivery due or overdue

Identifies UCMS cases with medical due or overdue for a medical review.

Between the 12th and 14th of the month.


Redeterminations coming due

Lists all currently coming due redeterminations by worker.

Approximately the 10th business day of the month.


Redeterminations to be mailed next month

Advises workers of upcoming redetermination.

Between the 12th and 14th of the month.


Redeterminations due or overdue

Identifies UCMS cases with review dates coded on them due or overdue for a review.

Between the 12th and 14th of the month.


CMS/SDX discrepancy reports

Identifies cases with discrepancies between the UCMS case and SSI information on BEIN.

1st of the month.


UC discrepancies greater than 5 dollars

Identifies consumer s receiving UC checks and without UC coding on the case or with the wrong amount coded.

Between the 8th and 10th of the month.


Consumers in aid paid pending CP/VP case status by BR/WKR

Lists persons with aid paid pending coding.

1st of the month.


Case transfers from 5503 to APD branches

Lists case numbers for completed transfers.

1st of the month.


FSMIS/CMS CROSS FILE cross file verified distribution list

Identifies cases with discrepancies between the FS case and the UCMS case.

Between the 7th and 9th of the month.


SNAP NA certification

Identifies new cases certified but with an NA (nonpayment) status.

Between the 7th and 9th of the month.


SNAP NA recertification

Identifies recertified cases certified but with an NA (nonpayment) status.

Between the 7th and 9th of the month.


Active provider receiving ADC/SDSD benefits under-reported earnings

Identifies consumers who are also providers and do not have the provider income coded on their UCMS cases.

By the 12th of the month.


Active provider associated with SNAP cases under reported earned income

Identifies consumers who are also providers and do not have the provider income coded on their SNAP cases.

By the 12th of the month.