IV. Department of Corrections


The Oregon Department of Corrections (DOC) works with Department of Human Services (DHS) to assist persons transitioning out of the Oregon prison system into the community who need benefits provided by the Department.

Persons leaving the state prison system are treated like any other potentially eligible consumer and are screened for Medicaid, SNAP, and service benefits with the primary difference being they will have a delayed eligibility start date to match their release date.

This information applies to persons leaving the Oregon State Department of Corrections prison system only and does not include anyone released from county jails.

A.   Re-entry and placement teams

Moving a consumer from a prison facility is very similar to any other community placement but does involve different groups of people. A designated team of staff in each of the groups will be involved with the eligibility and community placement for this facility group.

To assist with an overview of the work and who is involved, both a spreadsheet and flowcharts have been created; see below for explanation of the teams listed.

The teams listed on the flowcharts and spreadsheet are:

·        DOC: Department of Corrections. DOC acts as the authorized rep for the consumer until release;

·        DOC5517/APD: Central Office Team which works directly with the DOC for the initial request for benefits;

·        CCDU: Collaborative Disability Determination Unit. CDDU receives referrals directly form DOC for potential GA eligibility;

·        Assess Office: The local office nearest the prison where the consumer is residing which is responsible for assessing the applicant -  see chart below;

·        Rev’g Office: The local office where the consumer will be returned or placed following release.

B.   Responsibilities

Designated staff at APD Central Office, DOC, and field offices have specific roles to ensure the success of the DOC re-entry process.

1.   Department of Corrections (DOC)

For the re-entry project, persons who are released from the Department of Corrections (DOC) must be placed in the same county where they were sentenced. If there is no placement in the county, or it is more appropriate to place them elsewhere in the state due to available supports, the DOC may action to have a the release location changed.

Prior to release, the DOC completes an application for benefits for the person who is transitioning into the community, acting as the authorized representative DOC staff forwards the application to the appropriate, designated staff.

·        DOC will not complete a SNAP only application but will provide information about locating an office following release.

Medical staff at the DOC evaluate each person prior to their release to determine if they are potentially eligible for Medicaid or service benefits. DOC has an assessment process and reviews medical records for each person to assist in the determination, The DOC assessment does not use the same criteria as the APD assessment and the conclusions may not be the same.

Application without a request for services are sent to Central Office for an eligibility determination then forwarded to the appropriate local office 

·        DOC staff work with the inmate to complete either a 539A if the person is aged or has a disability or a 7210 if they person is under 65 and has no declared disability;

·        If the inmate who is releasing requests services or benefits, regardless of their documented medical history, DOC forwards a 539A to APD Central Office;

·        Applications forwarded to APD are sent to a designated email box DOC5517.

Medicaid and service applications are forwarded with all available medical records. The DOC will work with DHS to obtain additional records, if needed.

·        Note: If the applicant had Social Security benefits prior to incarceration, or are now eligible for benefits due to age, the DOC will assist with the process to apply for or restart Social Security benefits prior to release.

2.   APD Central Office

On receipt of an application for benefits, staff at Central Office will complete a financial eligibility determination for all benefits and open a case in Oregon ACCESS.

·        Central Office staff will take all standard actions to determine eligibility including pending for missing information;

·        Complete case narration is added to Oregon ACCESS with the status and actions taken by Central Office staff.

If the applicant is financially eligible and requests services, Central Office will forward all materials received from the DOC, including the application, to the office which is closest to the prison where the applicant resides.

Referrals will come from the DOC5517 email box and be sent to the previously designated contact in the local branch.

·        Note: All inquiries related to the DOC referrals should be directed to the DOC5517 email box.

APD Central Office will hold the case in branch 5517 until the consumer is released. Upon release the case will be transferred to the branch where the consumer will be placed or reside.

3.   Field offices

AAA and APD field staff which are closest to the prison where the applicant lives prior to re-entry to the community must act on the referral from Central Office and schedule a service assessment in the prison.

·        The materials received from Central Office/DOC5517 includes information on who to contact to set up entry to the prison facility;

·        Local offices should designate a case manager as the primary contact to complete facility assessments;

·        Designated staff will need to pass a background check prior to being granted entry;

·        In addition to the primary contact, local offices are encouraged to designate a back-up contact and have them approved for entry.

The local office which is responsible for completing the assessment is also responsible for working with the branch where the applicant will be released.

·        The referral will also include information on where the applicant will need to be placed based on their county of sentencing.

Below is full list of the State prisons from which an applicant might release, their location, and the office which is closest to that location. Most re-entry releases will take place from one of the Salem area locations, but could occur from any of the facilities.



Local office

Coffee Creek Correctional Facility


0310, Canby

Columbia River Correctional Institution


2818, NE Portland

Deer Ridge Correctional Institution


1612, Madras

Eastern Oregon Correctional Institution


3011, Pendleton

Mill Creek Correctional Facility


2411, Salem

Oregon State Correctional Institution


2411, Salem

Oregon State Penitentiary


2411, Salem

Powder River Correctional Facility

Baker City

0111, Baker City

Santiam Correctional Institution


2411, Salem

Shutter Creek Correctional Institution

North Bend

0611, North Bend

South Fork Forest Camp


2911, Tillamook

Snake River Correctional Institution


2311, Ontario

Two Rivers Correctional Institution


3011, Pendleton

Warner Creek Correctional Facility


1811, Klamath Falls


4.   OHP

A designated team in the OHP processing center receive 7210 applications for MAGI only cases and MAGI with services applications and process for Medicaid eligibility.

OHP communicates directly with the DOC team who inform Central Office of the decision if the MAGI case also has a services request. APD does not have involvement in MAGI only cases.

C.   Re-entry process

Referrals to the local offices should be acted on quickly as it can take longer than expected to set up a visit to the prison.

Additionally, some applicants will have challenges to finding appropriate placements in the community and may require either a referral to the APD Complex Case team or the MED team.

As much as possible, please follow the timelines indicated. Activities such as placement continue until resolved.

120 days from release:

·        Case is referred to APD Central Office by DOC;

o   DOC will determine if the consumer had a prior Social Security Administration (SSA) benefit. If they did, DOC will either complete paperwork with them to reactivate or reapply for the benefits;

o   If there was no prior SSA benefit but the consumer is now potentially eligible, DOC will help them apply.

·        APD Central Office will determine financial eligibility or pend for additional information;

o   DOC5517 will send a referral to the local office where the assessment is required immediately after determining the consumer eligible.

·        Local assessing office will contact the DOC to set a date to complete the assessment.

90 days from release:

·        Assessing office updates service eligibility in Oregon ACCESS and begins transition plan;

o   Assessing office must involve the office where the consumer will be served, if it is different;

o   Refer the case to MED or Complex Case as needed;

·        APD Central Office specialized teams such as MED or Complex Case will become involved to assist with transition and placement as needed.

60 days from release:

·        If the consumer is potentially eligible for the GA benefits, DOC will refer the case to CDDU;

·        DOC will monitor for any changes to the release date.

30 days from release

·        DOC send OHP a 7210 for MAGI eligible consumers;

·        APD Central Office narrates MAGI determination;

·        Assessing office will confirm with APD Central Office they have completed all assessment activities and a warm hand-off with the receiving office.

14 days from release

·        Receiving office will confirm the placement with APD Central Office.

·        DOC will confirm the placement address and appropriateness with parole and probation to check for any issues based on release requirements.

Release date

·        DOC emails APD Central Office of a successful release;

·        APD Central Office opens and transfers the case in Oregon ACCESS to the office where the consumer will be served;

·        Case manager in the receiving office takes over the case.

D.  Known challenges

There are several known challenges with the DOC community re-entry activity. As much as possible, they are addressed below. Local staff are encouraged to contact the DOC5517 email box should other non-consumer specific challenges be identified.

1.   Delayed referrals to the local office

A delayed referral causes the need for a rush at the local office and across the community re-entry team.

While every effort is made to prevent delays in getting applications and referrals very close to the consumer’s release date, it does happen occasionally. Common causes may be:

·        The DOC was not able to get an application to the APD Central Office timely. It is difficult to guess why this happens, but some reasons might be:

o   The consumer might have changed their mind about applying requiring an application to be completed very close to their release date; or

o   There may have been a question about the consumer’s release date; or

o   The DOC re-entry team was not informed of the release date due to an internal process.

·        The application was pended for verification causing the eligibility determination to be delayed.

2.   Essential medical records are not included

The DOC forwards all the medical records they have at the time of referral to APD Central Office but the records may be incomplete for our purposes.

Offices completing an assessment may need additional records for placement or referral to MED. If this is the case, contact DOC5517 with detailed information and APD Central Office will work with the consumer to determine where the records might be and get the records forwarded.

3.   Required placement is not in the area

Legislation specific to the community re-entry project requires every effort be made to locate or create a community placement in the county where the consumer applicant was sentenced. This could be because of limited availability, the need for a specialized placement which is either filled or not in the county, or due to the nature of the consumer’s criminal conviction.

Before concluding there is no placement of any kind in the required area, please speak with APD Central Office and refer the case to the APD Complex Case Team.

·        The local office is required to make the referral to The APD Complex Case Team, just as with any other consumer.

If, after taking required action, it is determined there is an appropriate placement in another area of the state, APD Central Office can work with the DOC to request a waiver of the release area.

·        A waiver for the area of release cannot be requested solely based on undesirability of the consumer.

4.   Medical cannot start on the release date

If the release date for causes a problem with activating the medical benefits on the date of release and they have an emergent need, please let APD Central Office know as soon as possible.

The DOC will release the consumer with a thirty (30) day supply of all current prescriptions, including oxygen. DOC will also provide basic durable medical equipment such as a walker or a wheelchair if the consumer has required these items while in the prison.

If there is a need beyond this, and the local office is not able to locate what is needed, APD Central Office will work with the local office and DOC to try to find what is needed to release the consumer safely.

5.   The release date is moved back (delayed)

A small group of consumers may have a delayed release date for a variety of reasons set by the court.

The initial release date given to APD and communicated to the field offices is the release date, for all activity. If the initial release is moved to a delayed release, DOC will alert APD Central Office as soon as possible and that information will be communicated to the field.

A delayed release may, depending on when the change is known, necessitate starting placement activities again.