Human Services Building

Salem, OR 97310


SDSD Program Manual Letter: #1

Date: September 20, 1999

Effective Date: October 1, 1999

Reference: AFS Administrative Rules Manual Letter #7



This is the first release for the SDSD Program Manual. Administrative rules are not printed in this manual. The rules will be located in the AFS Administrative Rules Manual.


This manual contains the policies and procedures that are supported by the Administrative Rules. It is written in prose style, which gives us the flexibility to describe policies in ways that will be easier for staff to understand and allows us the opportunity to incorporate intent and clarification. When an Administrative Rule applies to a specific policy, it is cross-referenced at the end of the paragraph describing the policy.


Note: You must cite the Administrative Rule for your decision notices to be legally sufficient. Citing the Program Manual is not legally sufficient for decision notices.


This manual has been "under construction" for just over a year. It is the result of efforts of the Eligibility Manual Committee which consisted of central office staff and field staff from both SDSD and the AAA's. The committee spent a great deal of time writing and reviewing these manuals. Much of what you see here is the result of their hard work, insightful program knowledge and the desire to provide field staff with a user-friendly, program based manual.


Although the manual has been available to staff for months, there has been no formal process in place to notify staff of policy changes. Form this release on, all major changes will be noted in release letter of this type. Within the program manuals, all changes will be noted by a red line to the right of the text as you see here.


Major Changes


Food Stamps

    Addition of specific TANF programs to the programs that make a FS client/group categorically eligible. See D.1.

    Annual increase to:

    The countable monthly income allowed for other household members living with an elderly person that is unable to prepare their own meals. See C.4.

    The countable income limit. See E.2.

    The Thrifty Food Plan (FS allotments). See E.20.

    The adjusted income limit. See E.21, Step 8.

    Clarification to step one of the benefit calculation. See E.21.

    Change the reporting requirement to a $100 change in earned income. See F.2.


Counting Client Assets

    Clarification of policy regarding cash contributions for OHP clients. See B.12.

    Addition of corporations as a specific asset. See B.15



    Addition of specific TANF programs to the definition of categorically eligible.

    Added a link to the AFS acronyms.



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