Human Services Building

Salem, OR 97310


SDSD Program Manual Letter: #5

Date: January 27, 2000

Effective Date: February 1, 2000

Reference: AFS Administrative Rules Manual Letter #11


Lots to review this time!! Many of the changes below are new worker guides. There were numerous worker guides in the old eligibility manual that we had not yet incorporated into the new manual. There are still a few more that you may see appear in the next few months. Any suggestions for further additions or improvements are welcome.


There were many minor rule changes that are not included below. AFS has been working on a "clean-up" of the rules. Please refer to the AFS Administrative Rules Manual (letter #11)for a list of all the changes.


Major Changes



    Under shelter-in-kind income (1), removed reference to GA(M). See B.59.


Food Stamps

    Added WG-8, Clients Living in a Facility

    Added WG-9, Prospective Budgeting in Food Stamps



    Added information on what a resource disqualification transfer notice should include. See D.4.

    Clarified overpayment policy. See Section G.



    Resource limit reduced to $2000 for some OHP clients(effective 1/1/00). See E.3.



    Clarified when client's are eligible for OSIPM if they are not receiving SSI. See D.11.

    Clarified how to calculate a dependent income allowance. See E.6.



    Added WG-4, Medicare Part A


Worker Guide

    Added WG D.7, Clients in State Psychiatric Hospitals and Training Centers

    Added WG E.5, Income and Resource Standards

    Added WG F.8, Effective Dates

    Added WG F.9, State Buy-In

    Added WG G.5, Case Files



    Clarified use of retrospective and prospective eligibility and budgeting in ongoing months for GA(M), OSIP(M) and QMB.

    Clarified when to use a special need in the Special Needs/Overview for GA(M) and OSIP(M). Also, staff can now authorize a one-time special need for moving costs if the move is a result of domestic violence.