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SPD Manual Letters

Manual Letter #47

Effective Date: April 1, 2010
Reference: SS-PT-10-003

Manual changes are summarized below. Click on the related links and the change will be indicated with red text or a red line to the right of the text (you may need to scroll to find the related policy change). There is no red indication for the corresponding changes to the Administrative Rules.

Food benefit program updates are covered specifically in the Family Services Manual.




Rule Change

(available 4/1)

Counting Client Assets Added section on Filipino Veterans Equity Compensation Fund. B.27 461-145-0184
  Life insurance. Clarifies how to treat benefits paid on a life insurance policy. B.44 461-145-0320
Generic Program Elements Monthly Reporting System (MRS). SNAP cases no longer use the MRS. E.3


Glossary Actuarially sound (annuities). For a transaction occurring on or after July 1, 2008, the payout period must be within 12 months of the actuarial life expectancy. Previously, the payout period must have been within 3 months. Actuarially sound 461-145-0022

Special need. Clarified the calculation used to pay an individual's room and board and PIF allowance when they do not have sufficient income to divert to their community spouse.



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