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DHS home | Senate Bill 913 Implementation Procedure

Special Considerations for Incarcerated Clients (HB 3536)

Updated 1/31/20

OAR 461-135-0950

House Bill 3536 mandates DHS/OHA suspend Medical benefits on any client who is receiving Medicaid and who becomes incarcerated at a local jail. This bill extends the process created under SB913, where benefits of clients who have a severe mental impairment were suspended.

An inmate is an individual who is:

 An individual is not an inmate when:  

A public institution is any of the following:

As used in this rule, the term public institution does not include:

If this policy indicates that the medical benefits of a client are suspended, a client meeting the eligibility requirements of a program covered under chapter 461 of the Oregon Administrative Rules is not required to submit a new application for the benefits to be reinstated.

The Oregon legislature passed a bill in 2017 that removed the 12-month limit. Effective, when the individual is released, Medicaid will be reinstated if the Department is notified within 10 calendar days of the release, and client is still eligible for assistance; Medicaid eligibility is not extended to an ineligible person. For APD programs, not all clients will be eligible upon release. Clients who had been receiving home and community-based services may need a new assessment before benefits can be reinstated. If SSA has terminated Medicare benefits, a QMB client would need to provide verification that Medicare Part A has been reinstated or is still in effect before their QMB case can be reopened. No application is required to restart benefits, unless there is no application on file.

To reduce field staff workload, if OPAR receives incarceration information and the inmate has a projected release date within the current month, OPAR will take no action on the case. The effective date is the date the decision is made to suspend the benefits and the date the notice is sent.

OPAR will be taking the following actions on APD clients who become incarcerated and who have a release date after the current month. Unfortunately, if a case is put into 'Susmend' status it will auto-close in the mainframe system at the end of 12 months. There is no way to prevent the auto-closure without reopening or restoring the case, which we don't want to do until the individual is released and eligibility reestablished. This means that you will have to let the case remain in closed status and narrate that due to system limitations, the case appears closed but remains indefinitely suspended.

Inmate is Released Temporarily to a Hospital

Incarcerated clients who are released temporarily in order to receive treatment in a hospital or other medical facility can be eligible for medical benefits during the time that they are temporarily released.  5503 has a reporting process by which inmates who are temporarily released get medical procedures done, and they then determine eligibility for MAGI medical programs.  If the temporarily released client is not eligible for MAGI, 5503 will refer the client’s information to APD for a determination of OSIPM or Medicare Savings Programs. Please see below for more information on what actions to take.

Note: These procedures may be subject to change due to the 7/1/17 policy change making the suspension indefinite.

OPAR process for incarcerated clients

See SPD-PT-11-015

Process to susmend cases in local office:

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Oregon Department of Human Services
500 Summer St. NE E02, Salem, OR 97301-1073
Phone: (503) 945-5811
Toll-free: (800) 282-8096 (V/TTY)