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May 3, 2013 OHA Director's messages on the web
To: All OHA employees
From: Bruce Goldberg, M.D., Director

Everyone is excellent

"Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing." ~Theodore Roosevelt

Three times a year I have the honor of reading nominations from OHA employees describing the colleagues or teammates they think deserve to receive the "Director's Excellence Award."

Normally I send out a message about the awards that are given. This week I want to share with you – with her permission – one of the nominations we received.

Dear Dr. Goldberg and executive team:

As an elected officer of SEIU DHS/OHA Local 200, I represent your workers – our OHA and Shared Services members. This position gives me a perspective that not many get to have. Take a step back as I did and look at how far your/their agency has come since its inception. It is simply amazing and a great testimony to the efficiency and effectiveness of public services. I suggest to you it is time to honor and celebrate the agency-wide excellence which produced those results.

I nominate all the workers of OHA and Shared Services and especially those who are the unsung heroes of getting so much accomplished in such a short time. It is not just the pay that keeps the workers showing up, they are truly wanting to be a part of changes that improve the outcomes of state services and programs.

I know this is an unusual nomination for the Director's Excellence Award. I appreciate this opportunity to brag about our OHA and Shared Services members.

Catherine Stearns, President
SEIU DHS/OHA Local 200

I am so grateful to Catherine for taking the time to write this letter and show how valued you all are. Although I cannot give everyone at OHA and Shared Services an official Director's Excellence Award, I can give you my very official thanks and congratulations for a job very well done.

OHA on the web