V. Case files - paper and electronic


1. Overview

In October 2015, the Electronic Data Management System (EDMS) added new query selections to store consumer case files for APD, AAA, and Self Sufficiency (SS). As offices scan documents into the new query selections in EDMS, the paper file (also known as the soft file) will become obsolete for most consumer case documents. This section covers both types of case files: the paper file and the electronic case file.

2. The paper case file

The contents of the paper file are forms and documents relevant to the consumer’s current eligibility and benefits. Medical, long-term care, and SNAP documents needed for day-to-day administration of the current case are filed in the same folder in chronological order with newest documents on top and older ones at the bottom.

Keep materials in the paper file which are:

3. The electronic case file

Only consumer documents related to SNAP, medical, and Long Term Care are stored in the Electronic Document Management System (EDMS).

Provider documents, including homecare worker vouchers and homecare worker provider files, APS documents, OPI case records, licensing documents, and any documents related to the daily business of the local office will NOT be stored in EDMS at this time.

4. Terminology

5. Using EDMS

When eligibility for all programs has been determined, the case has been opened or denied, and all systems are updated, the application and any supporting documents are packaged and scanned into EDMS to create an electronic case file.

NOTE: Documents older than the current year and one preceding year are paper archived according to instructions in section V.B: Archiving.

Scanned documents will be uploaded to EDMS within five (5) business days. In all cases, paper document copies should be held at the local office until verified they were successfully uploaded. Once the successful upload is verified, the paper documents can be shredded.

6. Query selections in EDMS

The three new query selections in EDMS are:

  1. Case information: accessible to all AAA, APD, and SSP users;
  1. AAA/APD Case Information Secured: accessible by specific staff roles in AAA and APD.
  1. SSP Case Information Secured: accessible by specific Self Sufficiency (SSP) staff roles.

AAA and APD staff will select queries 1 and 2 to access AAA, APD, and SSP consumer files; SSP staff will select queries 1 and 3 to access AAA, APD, and SSP consumer files.

7. Sensitive and restricted documents

The following types of documents are considered sensitive in AAA and APD and should be indexed into the AAA/APD Case Information Secured section of EDMS:

Eligibility and case management staff must identify sensitive documents, and determine what must be stored in the Secured section of EDMS and what must be stored under local restricted access before scanning.

If a document is secure, it will not display in the Case Information query. In the AAA/APD Case Information Secured query, secure documents are indicated with a Y in the Secured column.

Documents indexed and scanned into the Secured section of EDMS should be annotated as Secure on the WEBM Coversheet. Links to web-based trainings, quick reference guides, and other resources for EDMS are available on the EDMS home page. http://docmanagement/.

The following documents are restricted from EDMS and should be stored under local restricted access in paper and not electronically:

8. Searching document types in EDMS

The new query selections in EDMS allow the user to search for files by using up to thirteen (13) data elements, plus the wild card function (%). They are:

Consumer documents are categorized into seven (7) sections for easy searching. The document types are:

A comprehensive guide of how forms and documents are to be categorized into the Case Information sections of EDMS is available in the EDMS User Guide located on the EDMS home page.

NOTE: Documents which can be accessed from another source, such as Oregon ACCESS screen prints, and online CAPI applications should not be scanned into EDMS. DO NOT print or scan mainframe screens.

9. Preparing a case file for scanning

Documents in the consumer case file from the current year, one preceding year and any other documents related to current eligibility, will be prepared to scan and upload to IRMS. Older documents will be prepared to send to IRMS via the paper archive process; see V.B. Archiving.

Prior to scanning:

10. Scanning into EDMS

Scan documents following the Scanning Support Tools User Process in the EDMS User Guide on the EDMS home page and on APD Staff Tools.

11. Resolving the ethnicity hole-fill issue

When CAPI applications are printed and scanned on Kodak scanners, the ethnicity question on the last printed page may have its answer bubble blanked. This occurs because the Kodak Smart Touch scanner software has a default setting that tries to fill in hole punches on pages and the ethnicity answer bubble is the right shape, and in the right place, to trigger this setting. This issue may occur on other forms or documents with round, dark holes in certain places on the left hand margin of the page.

This document will step you through changing the default software setting so that this issue will no longer arise.

Background information

How to change the hole-fill setting

  1. Log in under a scanning staff person’s OR#. If you scan in as a tech or manager, you will only be changing your own local settings on the machine, and not the settings for the worker;
  2. Find the scanner icon in the System Tray (the area near the time/date display, usually in the lower right hand corner of the screen) and right click the scanner icon;

    , or

  3. Select Configure on the pop-up menu;

  4. Task shortcut: appears at the top of the menu. Select 6. Black and White Multi-page TIFF;

  1. Scan As section will appear at the bottom of the menu, like this:

  2. Click the Settings… button;

  3. Click on the Settings > button in the lower right corner of the pop-up menu;

  4. Click on the Enhancements tab;

  5. On the Enhancements tab, uncheck the box under Hole Fill.

  6. Click OK at the bottom of the menu;

  7. The screen will go back to the first menu with the Task Shortcut box at the top and the Save As section on the bottom. Click Apply, then OK;

  8. The setting change has been saved and applied. All done!

12. EDMS Resources

Computer based trainings for using EDMS are available on the DHS Learning Center: