V.D Record Retention


This General Schedule is applicable to the records of all state agencies. They apply to the official copy of all public records, regardless of medium or physical format, created or stored by the above specified agencies.

A state agency shall destroy public records which have met the terms and conditions of their scheduled retention period, subject to the prior audit requirements of OAR 166-030-0041 and any suspension ordered under the provisions of OAR 166-030-0045.

Please note the exceptions to this General Schedule listed in OAR 166-030-0026 before disposing of records.

Checks and Related Materials - 6 years

EBT records- 4 years

Postal Records (USPS and Private) - 4 years

Credit Card Documents - 3 years after card canceled

Invoices - 6 years

Travel expense documents - 6 years

Time Sheets - 4 years

General Correspondence - 1 year

Inventory Documents - 4 years

Notary Journal -7 years after registration expires

Protective Service Reports

Case Files - 7 years after closed or deceased


Getting Started:

Before starting the records storage process, be sure your records can meet these inactive criteria:


Closed Cases:

Sending Boxes:

DHS Records Archives
2850 Broadway NE
Salem, OR 97301

Open Cases:

Customer cases which contain materials exceeding seven (7) years may be partially archived.

Personnel - 3 years (check with branch manager)

Signature Authorization

Vehicle File Logs - 1 year

Contract RN Billing form (RN 1400) - 7 years

Health-related forms - 7 years

This information is from the following documentation: