Safety model frequently asked questions


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Question:  How will screening be affected now that Safety Threat drop-down lists are no longer part of screening?
Answer:  Screeners will continue as before to determine if a child is unsafe and that the behavior or circumstance being reported under the definition of abuse or neglect in ORS 418.050.  Refer to the Procedural Manual chapter 2 on screening for specific questions and enter the CPS issues in the 307 - Nature of Referral section as is the current practice.

Question:  Will there be a “cheat sheet” created for screeners so they have a good list of the questions to be asked now that the safety threats have been removed from screening? 
Answer: Now that the Procedure Manual is out, let us know if this is still a need. There is a very comprehensive list of questions in the Procedural Manual and I think anything we created would be a duplicate of that.


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