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SPD Manual Letters

Manual Letter #25

Effective Date: July 1, 2004
Reference: CAF Administrative Rules Manual Letter #32 & #33




Rule Change

Counting Client Assets Policy on determining the availability of income clarified. A.2 461-140-0040
  Added a link to the FSM WG on using paystubs to determine work hours and earned income. B.19 N/A
  Revised treatment of foster care income for FS households to clarify that foster care income is exempt only when the person receiving the care is a member of the household group. B.26 461-145-0200
  Added new policy on how to treat Groundfish Disaster Benefits. B.27 461-140-0010
  Added new policy on how to treat RARE program income. B.53 461-145-0365
  Policy on identifying self-employment income has been expanded and clarified.


General Assistance Clarified the policy related to the requirement that GA clients must not have filed or be eligible for Title II SSA benefits. D.8 461-135-0700
  Policy was amended so clients with mental impairments are evaluated in the same manner as clients with physical impairments. D.11 461-125-0510
  Effective date for the initial month cash benefits for service and nonservice clients is now the same.




Added 7/29/04
The OHP-OPU program is now closed to new applicants.


Added 8/2/04

Revised the section on OHP budgeting.

D.6 N/A
Added 8/2/04
Added a new section to describe the $10,000 income limit for an OHP financial group that
includes a “principal” - a person with significant authority in a business entity.
D.6 N/A
  Added the new Expected Family Contribution (EFC) limit for the 2004/2005 school year for students of higher education. WG.3 N/A


Added 8/2/04
The unborn child of a pregnant female is no longer considered a member of the need group. C.4 461-110-0630
  Clarified the requirements for an individual receiving long term care to be eligible for OSIPM. D.12 461-135-0750
461-135-0760 (repealed)
  Clarified that the community spouse income allowance should be calculated using the amount that is better for the couple. E.6 461-160-0620
  Increased the standards used to determine the maintenance needs allowance for a community spouse. E.6 461-160-0620
  Note added to clarify how to apply income deductions to an ineligible spouse (clients in the community). E.6 N/A
  Clarified and added new policy related to the policy on disqualifying transfer of resources. E.12 461-140-0242
  Effective date for the initial month cash benefits for service and nonservice clients is now the same. F.4 461-180-0070
  Added further explanation to example 1in the LAG/FOG-LDS worker guide. WG.6


  Added a worker guide on determining whether a transfer of resources is disqualifying. WG.7 461-140-0242
  Added an additional example to the HUD chart. HUD Chart N/A
QMB Note added to clarify how to apply income deductions to an ineligible spouse (clients in the community).


SPD Worker Guide Removed the reference to FSMIS for the special coding related to cases needing alternate formats. A.2 N/A
  Voter registration procedure updated. B.6 N/A


Noncitizen chart updated. D.1


  New SAVE procedure outlined. D.3 N/A
  Added a WG on 10-day notice deadlines. G.7 N/A
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Oregon Department of Human Services
500 Summer St. NE E02, Salem, OR 97301-1073
Phone: (503) 945-5811
Toll-free: (800) 282-8096 (V/TTY)