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SPD Manual Letters

Manual Letter #45

Effective Date: October 1, 2009
Reference: CAF Administrative Rules Manual Letter #55

Manual changes are summarized below. Click on the related links and the change will be indicated with red text or a red line to the right of the text (you may need to scroll to find the related policy change). There is no red indication for the corresponding changes to the Administrative Rules.

Food benefit program updates are covered specifically in the Family Services Manual.




Rule Change

Counting Client Assets Added policy on the treatment of economic recovery payments. B.22


Glossary Added a definition of continuous eligibility. Continuous eligibility 461-001-0000
OHP Continuous eligibility. When a pregnant child is eligible for and receiving OHP-CHP loses eligibility, her medical assistance may continue through the last day of the month in which the pregnancy ends (CEC). For all other OHP programs, when a child who is eligible for and receiving OHP (except OHP-CHP) loses this eligibility with time remaining in the 12-month continuous eligibility period, the child’s medical assistance continues for the remainder of the 12-month eligibility period (CEM). B.5
Eligibility. cannot be delayed if pended for citizenship and indentity verification and all other eligibility. requirements have been met. B.6 461-115-0705
  Noncitizen status requirements. Children under the age of 19 no longer need to wait the five years if they are a qualified non citizen D.2
  Change the six-month waiting period for individuals who have major medical insurance to two-months for a CHP client. Also, this waiting period can be waived is the loss of coverage was due to the loss of employment. D.15 461-135-1100
  There is no resource limit for OHP-CHP clients. E.3 461-160-0015
  Countable income is now calculated with income from the month prior to the budget month and income already received in the budget month plus income reasonably anticipated to be received in the budget month. E.5 461-115-0705
  The income standard for OHP-CHP is now 201% of the FPL. E.6 461-155-0180
  For more information on the OHP changes, see SS-PT-09-031.

Continuous eligibility. When a child who is eligible for and receiving OSIPM loses this eligibility with time remaining in the 12-month continuous eligibility period, the child’s medical assistance continues for the remainder of the 12-month eligibility period (CEM).



  Eligibility. cannot be delayed if pended for citizenship and identity verification and all other eligibility. requirements have been met. SPD WG B.1 461-115-0705
  Updated to reflect the increase to the FS FUA standard ($385).


SPD Worker Guide New WG on the application assistance programs. B.2 N/A

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